Redhat – How to Submit Certificate Request from Red Hat to Windows CA


My Following Setup:

Windows Server 2008 AD with CA

Redhat Workstation Joined to AD

I have used Openssl to generate a certificate request to be sent to the CA

openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout domain.key -out domain.csr

but how can I submit the request using command line for Red hat?, I'm aware of the window's version command which is

certreq -submit domain.csr

Is there a Linux Version of this? I'm trying out Auto-enrollment

I'm aware that I can use the Web Enrolment Page to submit my request, but I'm in a command line environment I don't have access to a browser. and Manually transferring the request with thumb drive is not an option either.

Please enlighten me on this matter. Thanks!!

yum install elinks is a good alternative, but is there another command line way? it should be useful for scripting to automate the task

winexe Great tool! Using this I understand the concept idea so by generating a certificate in a shared secure location between the Red Hat Machine and Windows Machine, and issuing the certreq commands remotely from the Red hat machine to the windows machine to generate the certificate. I'll test it out in my test environment again later.

but is there a standard industry practice out of the box solution? that anyone is aware of?

Best Answer

For non-domain devices, Network Device Enrollment Service is often the prefered solution, since it allows auto renewal once set up.

Please have a look at this Technet Wiki article: Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES) in Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) describing how to set up and use NDES