Redhat – How to update OpenJDK on RHEL


I need to update OpenJDK for one of the company servers (RHEL 6).

It is currently running OpenJDK 1.7.0_09 but I need to upgrade to OpenJDK 1.7.0_45

I read some tutorials but they seem to use yum to carry this out but the server is not configured so that it is registered on the Red Hat subscription network.

Is there any way to achieve this manually?

Best Answer

If you have a RHEL subscription then you can login into your RH account and download the RPM then install it with yum -y install x.y.z.rpm. Otherwise, you can also take the package from a CentOS repository, it should be 100% compatible. For example this URL. By the way, the latest version is .65 and you should really use that.