Redhat – How tonstall mod_ssl on RHEL7 when it’s missing from yum


I've been given a RHEL7 server with Apache 2.4.6 and OpenSSL and I would like to install mod_ssl. The issue is yum doesn't find the package:

yum install mod_ssl

No package mod_ssl available.
Error: Nothing to do

Also it is not found during a search, only mod_gnutls is found:

yum search mod_ssl

=================================================== Matched: mod_ssl ===================================================
mod_gnutls.x86_64 : GnuTLS module for the Apache HTTP server

How can I install mod_ssl? Do I need to find an rpm or install a repo to have yum find it?

Here's the output of listing httpd and openssl to show the versions:

yum list httpd openssl

Installed Packages
httpd.x86_64                   2.4.6-67             @rhel-7-server-rpms
openssl.x86_64                 1:1.0.2k-8.el7       @rhel-7-server-rpms

Here's my repolist:

yum repolist

repo id                                           repo name                                                       status
epel/x86_64                                       Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - x86_64                  11,769
webtatic/x86_64                                   Webtatic Repository EL7 - x86_64                                   649
repolist: 12,713

Best Answer

There is no base repository (rhel-7-server-rpms) in the output of your yum repolist

I've verified that mod_ssl is found on base RHEL7 repository.

Use subscription-manager to re-enable that repo.