Redhat – kickstart partitioning error with LVM


In Kickstart, I keep on getting the error;

Adding this partition would not leave enough disk space for already
allocated logical volumes in vg_ibus

I do not get why I am getting this error. This device (ciss/c0d1) is 450G. I simply want to make one Logical Volume inside that Volume Group.

These commands are from the Kickstart script that I am using;

part pv.d1 --size=1 --grow --ondisk=cciss/c0d1
volgroup vg_ibus pv.d1
logvol  /ibus  --vgname=vg_ibus  --size=450000  --name=lv_ibus

Best Answer

It's likely not exactly 450G. Try to set a smaller size and use --grow so that the logical volume will grow to capacity of the block device. (Same as you are already doing for the physical partiion.)

logvol /ibus --vgname=vg_ibus --size=1000 --name=lv_ibus --grow