Redhat – pacemaker create resource systemd & haproxy


My environment:

# cat /etc/redhat-release 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.4 (Maipo)
# rpm -q pacemaker

I'm trying to create systemd resource, however Pacemaker isn't even showing haproxy in the list:

# systemctl status haproxy
● haproxy.service - HAProxy Load Balancer
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/haproxy.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)
# pcs resource agents systemd | grep haproxy

however, if I go ahead and create it anyway, resource seems fine:

# pcs resource create haproxy systemd:haproxy
# pcs resource show haproxy 
 Resource: haproxy (class=systemd type=haproxy)
  Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (haproxy-monitor-interval-60)
              start interval=0s timeout=100 (haproxy-start-interval-0s)
              stop interval=0s timeout=100 (haproxy-stop-interval-0s)

Is that normal? or am I doing something wrong?

Please advise.

Best Answer

Yes it's all right. If you want to check the standards of pacemaker then you can check with this command "pcs resource standards" this command will show the list of standards which are compatible with pacemaker.