Redhat – Subversion Checkout Yields Could Not Open the Requested Subversion System


I've installed subversion on our RHEL server and also installed dav_svn_module. My location tag in httpd.conf is as follows:

<Location /subversion>
DAV svn
SVNPath /subversion
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Subversion Repository"
AuthUserFile /etc/svn-auth.htpasswd
Require valid-user

I've setup a password for svnuser with

htpasswd -c -m /etc/svn-auth.htpasswd svnuser

After restarting httpd, I try to checkout files from the subversion repository to my local machine and receive the error message above. Note that when I try to view the repository via HTTP, I recieve a HTTP 500 error as well.

The httpd error log shows the following entries:

error: Can't open file /subversion/format No such file or directory
Could not fetch resource information [500, #0]
Could not open the requested SVN filesystem [500, #2]

Note that /subversion/format doesn't exist. Not sure why error log is referencing this non-existent file??

What changes are needed to ensure I can both checkout/commit and authenticate via http?


Best Answer

Well, if /subversion is a subversion repository (as you've configured it to be in your Apache config), then it sure better have a format directory.

How did you create the repository, or where did you create the repository?

If you intended for /subversion to be the repo itself, then it wasn't created correctly. Run svnadmin create /subversion.

If you intended for /subversion to be a directory which contains repos, then your Apache config should be SVNParentPath /subversion instead of SVNPath /subversion - and the repositories in that location still need to be created with svnadmin create.