Redhat – switching to worker mpm for apache 2 on RHEL 4


I am thinking of switching from the non threaded prefork mpm to the hybrid multi-process
multi-threaded worker mpm for apache (2.0.52).

It runs on a Intel(R) Xeon(TM) Quad core machine running RHEL4.

I heard the worker mpm scales better and we have been having some scaling issues recently.

/usr/sbin/httpd -l mentions prefork as the compiled in mpm. what is the best possible way to switch to
the worker mpm without changing any config ? i want to avoid building from source. is there a place
where i can find rpms for apache compiled with worker mpm ?

I use apache for a) blog(wordpress) b) forum(phpbb) c) serving static content for a java web app
(uses mod_jk to forward dynamic requests to tomcat )

what could be the possible issues that i need to consider before i make the move ? Also, what are the
typical performance improvements after switching to worker mpm ?

Best Answer

Since you're running PHP on that server, I would be cautious about using the Worker MPM. There are some known issues with Worker and PHP. The PHP Installation FAQ recommends against it.