Redhat – the difference between RHEV and oVirt


When I read the wikipedia articles about RHEV and oVirt, I can't really figure out why Red Hat have both projects, as they seam to solve the same problem?

oVirt will be included in Fedora 17, so clearly they have invested a lot in both projects.

Is one of them a short term solution, or do they solve different problems/tasks?


Based on this link, oVirt is only a manangement interface build up from common open source packages.

So I would speculate that the management part i RHEV will be replaced with oVirt at some point.

Best Answer

They don't solve the same problem for sure.

  • RHEV -> Is itself a virtulization product like Vmware or Xen. Its a spiced up version of KVM.

  • oVirt -> Is the management interface developed by redhat to manage the virualization products/platforms.

    So they are meant for different reasons.