Redhat – Unable to connect to Red Hat port, but able to ping


Let me preface with this that I am a linux and network noob, so talk slowly and use big words.

We have a Red Hat machine running GNOME 2.16. We're trying to stand up a webapp there. From the windows development environment we are able to ping RH, but cannot telnet to the web container


Connecting To our.ip.address.## …Could
not open connection to the host, on
port 80##: Connect failed

Things I've checked:

  • iptables is not running

  • A browser on the RH box can see the webapp at

  • The webapp defaults to include ip which should make it public (right?)

  • The masks are the same on both boxes

  • The RH server also can ping a subversion server, but can't make checkouts

All I can think is that there is some firewall between the windows and RH box, but I don't know how to check that. I wanted to be sure I'd tried everything I can before I knock on IT's door.

Are there any other settings or linux commands I should be checking?

What is your diagnosis?

Best Answer

Looks like you pretty much covered everything you can do on the OS side, go a-knockin on IT's door and see what they have to say.

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