Redhat – Unable to mount CIFS share, but able to mount on others


I have a working windows 2008 R2 file share that I can connect to from one server (running redhat 6.6) with the following syntax in /etc/fstab

//servername/ELK\es1 /ES1 cifs username=domain\user,password=password 0 0

From here I run sudo mount -a and it mounts successfully, and I can view files in the share if I run ls /ES1

I have another server (the one I actually want the share mounted on), which runs redhat 7.2, and using the exact same syntax in /etc/fstab, and running a sudo mount -av I get the following error:
mount error(112): Host is down
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)

If I run dmesg I get the following information

CIFS VFS: RFC 1002 unknown response type 0xa
CIFS VFS: RFC 1002 unknown response type 0xa
CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -112

I've updated my iptables, and even flushed them so I do not believe it's an issue with ports being blocked. The version of cifs-utils is the same, 1.74.

The only thing I can think that's a difference between the two servers is the version of the OS, one being 6.6 and the other being 7.2.

Best Answer

Usually, when I have issues I check the following. I have found I typically forget step b, then try to forge ahead until I get blocked on step e.

  1. Do you have the cifs-utils package installed? It seems so since it at least printed the cifs.mount output. Typically I find cifs and samba as different packages.

  2. Does the connection work if connecting via smbclient? See Mount.cifs vs. SMBClient for an example. This will isolate the mount application. You will need the samba packages for this.

  3. Try to connect with cifs.mount directly with verbose output per man page.

  4. Check the Window-Server event logs to see if the request for a connection is making it to the server.

  5. Beef up the log levels on cifs per the debug section here

  6. Check connectivity in both directions between servers. Make sure the ports for CIFS are open on each end. You can check with nmap.

  7. Check the network configuration of the two Linux servers to make sure there is not some IT device that is stopping one server but not the other.

Finally, I googled some of the error output and got a few links to some options. The Ubuntu pages offer a lot of usage info that is generic.