Zabbix Server – Configuring SELinux Policy on RHEL7


I have a Zabbix server running on a RHEL 7 box and when I use the web front end (on the same box) it says Zabbix server is not running.

If I disable SELinux and change nothing else, the web front end says that Zabbix server is successfully running.

Any ideas as to how I can allow Zabbix through? I've already added ports 10050 and 10051 to FirewallD and SELinux won't let me add them in a 'second' time.

Best Answer

I finally figured it out. Zabbix Server has an SELinux bool to allow httpd to communicate with port 10051. To set it, issue the command sudo setsebool httpd_can_connect_zabbix 1.

This will allow web interface to show if the Zabbix Server is enabled or not without having to disable SELinux!