Redircting to a url that has a question mark in it


I have a somewhat strange problem. A client has moved their site to WordPress. They use a service for link exchanges that has a WordPress plugin. The issue is that the new links pages use a query string to display the correct content and I cannot figure out how to redirect the old URLs correctly.

Old URLs look like this:

The plugin makes them look like this in WP:

How in the world can I get the redirect to work properly?

Here's what I have tried:

Redirect 301 /link/actors.html
Redirect 301 /link/actors.html
Redirect 301 /link/actors.html\?page=actors.html

But none of those have worked. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

I dont think its possible as the redirect only deals with the url and not the parameters. please see this question on stack overflow

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