Nginx – How to Redirect Domain Root to CloudFront


Note – I see several other questions asking about redirecting to the root of their S3 static websites, but I didn't see anything about redirecting from the root of a domain name to a CloudFront/S3 site.

I have my personal website deployed to AWS CloudFront & statically hosted on S3. I have a www. CNAME record pointing to the CloudFront hostname, and that works properly, but I've discovered that you can't have a CNAME record for the domain root. I already have a VPS with nginx that's hosting several of my other projects – is it fine to simply add an A record from the domain root to my VPS IP, and have nginx redirect requests for the domain root to the CloudFront hostname?

Edit: to clarify – what I would like to happen is for all traffic heading to be forwarded to the CloudFront hostname assigned to my website. I am able to do this with by creating a CNAME record for 'www.' pointing to the desired hostname. However, it appears that Google Domains does not allow CNAME records to be created for the root (i.e. just, and so I am wondering how to forward traffic from to my CloudFront hostname (as opposed to what I can do right now, which is only to forward to cloudfront).

And in case it's relevant, I can't do any sort of wildcard redirect because I am using other hostnames on the domain for different projects that require specific A records.

And would this be an acceptable/good practice nginx configuration for the site? I think it would work because is already properly forwarding to the CloudFront hostname.

server {
        listen 443 ssl;
        rewrite ^/$ permanent;
        ssl_certificate           /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
        ssl_certificate_key       /etc/letsencrypt/live/;

Best Answer

By domain root, I assume you mean, instead of, and that you want to point that to your AWS cloud web app. One thing you can do is create an A record named @, which essentially says "this is me. Any DNS requests to me ( should go to this IP address." Then add a CNAME www that points to @. You can use Nginx if you want, Nginx used for pass-through is just a reverse proxy. It will act as a middle man of any requests between the client and the server. Nginx just repeats those messages between the client and the server.

I hope that was any help, my feeling is I read the question wrong

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