Redirection of pfctl on OSX gets error


I want all my traffics are redirected to SOCKS proxy on I added the rule below to the end of /etc/pf.conf according to this tutorial:

pass on en3 proto tcp from any to any rdr-to port 1080

When I load this configuration file, error is reported:

pfctl: Syntax error in config file: pf rules not loaded

My operating system is OSX 10.11 El captain. Where am I wrong?

Best Answer

My operating system is OSX 10.11 El captain. Where am I wrong?

— In expectance that this syntax should work.

Pf's version ported to MacOS from its first emerging till to Mojave (including) is kept frozen, Apple®'s doesn't update it. Still man pf.conf has proper examples of rdr rules.