Redis & HAProxy – updated configuration settings

failoverhaproxyload balancingredis

Have gotten 2 Redis instances installed, with one being a master. That is working remarkably well and with no headaches.

I'm now trying to get my HAProxy/keepalived nodes to handle some sort of failover.

1) Is that even possible – setting up a node as the master and the other as backup? This is what I am doing with my MySQL nodes:

        server check backup
        server check

2) If so, is there updated documentation on this? I've followed the documentation on the HAProxy's blog, as referenced below:

ServerFault article: Redis sentinel + HAProxy failover

But the nodes are showing up as down, even though I can use them via the CLI and other clients:

snapshot of failed Redis nodes in HA Proxy web interface

Using the CLI, if I issue the commands in the tcp-checks, the responses match the expected returns in the conf. (note: we don't have authentication turned on yet on the Redis nodes).

Here's my haproxy.cfg – starting with last line of my MySQL section

        server check 

defaults REDIS
        mode tcp
        timeout connect  4s
        timeout server  30s
        timeout client  30s

frontend ft_redis
        bind *:6379 name redis
        default_backend bk_redis

backend bk_redis
        option tcp-check
        tcp-check send PINGrn
        tcp-check expect string +PONG
        tcp-check send info replicationrn
        tcp-check expect string role:master
        tcp-check send QUITrn
        tcp-check expect string +OK
        server Site2DB3 check inter 1s
        server Site1DB3 check inter 1s

Best Answer


should read


Same for the other tcp-check messages. You're sending PINGrn instead of PING\r\n, an invalid command which will throw an error and thus cause your UP check to fail.