Redis high availability and load balancing

clusterfailoverload balancingredis

I'm using Redis for some time and now we want to move to a redundant cluster which would be fault tolerant, highly available and load balanced.

I principally use Redis for some PHP web application which stores some process status information (I'm using PHPRedis for this) and I would like to use it also for PHP session store in a load balanced cluster.

I already have a Load Balancing that I use for Nginx and MySQL (based on pfSense).

I saw that Redis Cluster exists for Redis 3, but I also read some comments about the fact that it is not ready for production, others that tells that Redis cannot do a complete master/master cluster configuration.

What is your advise?

  • Try Redis Cluster
  • Move to another key=value engine (CouchDB? Memcached? Others?)
  • Don't mind about load balancing and use only one node of the cluster per time, and having a manual failover, as I don't use persistence
  • Other ideas?

Thank you very much for your help!

Best Answer

Redis Sentinel will allow you to run multiple instances of redis and handles failover for you.