Redis instance restore using dump.rdb is not working


I have redis instance with 10 keys in qa env.
the instance is configured to use dump.rdb in /tmp directory .
I ran "save" command and saw new dump.rdb file that was created .
then I created new instance on other host .
copied the dump.rdb to the new instance in "dir" directory as it is configured in redis.conf file.
I stopped the new instance and then started it.
if I run "keys *" command on the new instance I get null .
probably the dump.rdb file was not read when the server was started .
I followed the post

but didn't succeed.

the steps on the the old instance :

set aaa 111 
set bbb 222 
etc etc 
scp dump.rdb new_host:/dir 

on the new host :

stop redis serivce 
start redis service .
redis-cli -h ... -p ... 
keys *

(empty list or set)

and ideas ?

Best Answer

found what the problem was .

need to start the new server with a specific dump file as a parameter when starting the service though the "dir" parameter is set in the config file , it's written that when you start the service redis looks for rdb file which is configured, it didn't work for me. had to run redis-server /path_to_config_file --dbfilename dump.rdb --dir /path_to_directory_where_the_dump_file_is_located

the command above did the job .