Rejecting traffic where ACCEPT header is empty on favicon.ico requests


As part of filtering out potential harmful traffic, I currently reject traffic where $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"] is empty.

I notice from my logs that a fair number of requests have been rejected due to the accept header being empty and some of them come from valid IP traffic when requesting favicon.ico.

I currently block these favicon.ico requests with a "403 Forbidden" (I know I should probably use 406 Not Acceptable).

I do have a favicon.ico on my site. I am aware that favicon.ico "not found" errors are not seen by the user. Is it the same for me blocking these pages or will they see the 403 Forbidden page?

I would like to test this myself, but I do not know how to generate a page request with empty headers. Perhaps if someone has a way to do this as well, it will help.

Thanks for your input.

Best Answer

Is it the same for me blocking these pages or will they see the 403 Forbidden page?

Blocked images, including favicon, does not result in a 403 page being displayed. The image will simply not be displayed in the same fashion as if it was not found.

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