Relative substitution in mod_rewrite RewriteRule


I want to create a mod_rewrite RewriteRule which is independent from the location where the web page is installed. I want to define the rewrite rule in a .htaccess file. Let's take this as an example:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html html.php

With this rule I want to map all *.html requests to a html.php script which is located in the web root. The problem is, the public base url of the webroot can change. So the web root could be located on http://www.somewhere.tld/ or in some sub directory at http://www.somewhere.tld/foo/bar/.

But using a relative path in a rewrite rule doesn't work. So I have to write one of these:

/html.php (When web is located in root directory of the web)
/foo/bar/html.php (When web is located in foo/bar sub directory)

Alternatively I can set a RewriteBase but I simply don't want to configure this path at all. I want apache to automatically do the right thing so I can just copy the web to some directory and it just works without telling the rewrite rules where the web is located in. How can I do this.?

Best Answer

There is no way as in my knowledge that you can achieve this. You have to configure RewriteBase. One way is to automate setting up of RewriteBase using a PHP script maybe? But that will need write permission (at least) on the .htaccess. But you will have to configure the RewriteBase in .htaccess.

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