Reliable email service for personal use using own domain name


I have my own domain name but do not want to manage the email. I'm looking for a web-based email client (similar to Gmail) but able to use my own domain. The main requirement is reliability. I've tried Google Apps (Premium, $50/year) but the reliability based on my personal usage is way too low (up time around 90%). I'm willing to pay up to $100/year.

Any suggestions?

The errors I see with Google Apps Mail are:

Oops... the system encountered a problem (#717) - Retrying now...
Oops... the system encountered a problem (#767) - Retrying now...
Oops... the system encountered a problem (#6502) - Retrying now...

as well as:

Temporary Error (500) ... Numeric Code 21
Temporary Error (500) ... Numeric Code 67

and also:

502 Server Error, Server Error The server encountered a temporary error that could not complete your request. Please try again in 30 seconds

When I get these errors, they last for about 15 minutes. This happens at least 10 times per day. So 15 minutes times 10 = 150 minutes. 150 minutes downtime per day (1440 minutes) = 10.4% downtime.

I have also have a free Gmail account which works great. It's just that my Google Apps Mail has a constant server related issue. This might be an isolated incident, but it's very real to me. It's been going on for a week know.

Okay, I just did a search and it's not so isolated. Seems others have the same problem. link, link and link

I've created a trouble ticket with Google Apps support, but they have yet to fix the issue. Maybe they'll fix it someday, but reading the various Google Help Form posts doesn't give me a lot of confidence.

As for Google's Service Level Agreement, it's not very valuable. They define a service outage as 10 minutes or more. The compensation is not to exceed 15 days of service for the service term, which for Google Apps is one year. So you get 15 frees day added to one year, which isn't very much. See this article for an analysis of Google's SLA.

I don't want this to turn into a Google bashing thread. I would love for Google Apps Mail to work for me. Since it isn't working for me (currently), I'm investigating other options.

Follow-up 2: The intent of this question is to inquire about reliable email service. I really don't want hear about how reliable Google Apps Email is for everyone else so somehow my experiences aren't valid. I'm looking for suggestions on reliable email services, this could include Google Apps Email but I'd like hear what else exists.

Best Answer

You might consider Rackspace's email service:

Or you could leave your email on Google Apps, and use a personal web-mail client like RoundCube to access it...

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