Remote desktop connection drops before login can appear


Someone asked this question a few months ago and I have the exact same problem. I have tried all of the suggested solutions in the other posting (in particular reinstalling the video card on the server), but have not had any luck. I have gone through this troubleshooting guide in detail with no results:

I have a client with Remote Desktop enabled that I can't connect to in our local network. When I enter in the machine ip/port in the connect box and hit Connect, it briefly gives the normal "Connecting…" dialog box.

However, after 2 seconds it just drops. No error message, nothing. Just disappears as if nothing was happening.

  • Windows XP SP3
  • Windows firewall is open for 3389TCP
  • Machine is on a domain
  • RDP is enabled in My Computer
  • User is a local admin

I have loads of other machines on the same domain with the same GPO that work fine.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

I was having the same issue. It turned out to be a graphics card driver issue. I've posted a more detailed response here:

Outbound RDP session from XP SP3 fails, but port 3389 is reachable