Remote Desktop fails without error message

remote desktopwindows 7windows-server-2008

After rebooting my server Windows 2008 R2 server, I can't log into the remote desktop anymore. When I try to connect, the remote desktop zooms through different status messages, the last of them being "Configuring remote session" and then reverts to the initial Connection dialog again without giving me any error message.

The server is seems to be up, since it's still deliverying web pages. Also, it does seem to be accepting my credentials.

Is there any way to see why the connection fails? I've browsed through my system's even logs, but could not find anything related to remote desktop. Perhaps there's some hidden troubleshooting mode?



Edit: In the meantime the server has come back online. I'm not sure if it did so on it's own or if tech support did because I have not heard from them so far, but the problem is solved for the moment. It's a bit disappointing not to know the cause of thep problem though.

Best Answer

Verify that it actually rebooted - if you can do a "net use" against the remote server, then connect to Event Viewer to see if it actually did reboot. I've seen plenty of Win2k3 servers that, when rebooted from an RDP session, don't actually reboot but stop responding to RDP. If that's the case, you can do a shutdown /i against the server or use some other out-of-band method of actually executing the reboot.

And if this is the case, in the future, don't reboot from a regular RDP session. Reboot only from the /console or /admin connection, or use shutdown /i, or other remote methods.