Remote Desktop session on Windows Server 2003

remote desktopwindows-server-2003

I have some problem when I use Remote Desktop, here some description.

  1. I set some application to autorun each time Administrator (console) was login on W2K3 SP2 server
  2. I use Remote Desktop from XP SP3, using the same login as Administrator
  3. It creates a new session with the same username and the application starts autorun which make duplicity in application

I just hoping i can enforce the Remote Desktop client to connect into only one session (console session), toying with Group Policy setting, successfully enforce the one session, but whenever i close remote desktop (disconnect) the console got disconnected too (which I didn't want it to behave like that).

I also try some setting to limit connection, still it doesn't behave as I want it too. Simple i just want to use 1 session, but each time we close remote desktop the session still alive, much like when we use VNC solution (RealVNC, UltraVNC, TinyVNC etc.)

Any solution(s)?

Best Answer

If you don't mind my asking what is the application? You could do as Kevin suggested and use mstsc /console OR mstsc /admin depending on your service pack level to connect directly to console. Another option is turning it into a service. I'm not sure if you have it running in a console window because you want to be able to see some output, which would negate this - but there are several apps that will package any app as a service. Another option is to remote desktop over to that machine using another account, then take over the administrator session.