Remote disk management on Server 2012


I am trying to use the "Disk management" MMC console from Windows Server 7 against a Hyper-V Server 2012 machine but having no luck so far.

I have…

  • enabled "Remote administration" on the Hyper-V machine
  • disabled the firewall using Import-Module NetSecurity -ea Stop ; Get-NetFirewallProfile | Set-NetfirewallProfile -Enabled False
  • started the vds service

And yet all I get is "The RPC server is unavailable" at the disk management MMC upon connection request. I have read that most RPC interfaces are to be replaced with WinRM over time – has this already been done to Disk Management in 2012 so I am wasting my time trying?

Best Answer

Nah, it's just me being a blockhead - I was using a management station which did not have the firewall group rules for Remote Volume Management enabled, although I was certain it was the case. Running

netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Remote Volume Management" new enable=yes

on the client fixed the issue. So RPC for volume management has apparently not been deprecated (yet).