Remote execution in Workgroup network


Consider this scenario:

Please don't say that it would be better if I created a Domain network;
Just consider this scenario.

10 PCs are all interconnected via a switch to a workgroup network named WORKGROUP;

PCs specs(all are the same): Windows XP SP2 en (build:2600.xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)

I have full physical control over my own PC (one of those 10 PCs) and what I know about the other ones:

IPs of all 10 PCs.

Administrator account name of all 10 PCs.

Administrator account password of all 10 PCs.

How can I execute an application on the other PCs???(without touching them)

How can modify their registry settings???(without touching them)

Best Answer

PSExec from Sysinternals for remotely executing commands.

Not being on a domain will make it a bit of a pain, but you can use it to manually execute commands on a remote machine with an administrative username and password.

Editing the registry can be done via regedit, simply by going to the File menu and selecting Connect Network Registry. This needs the Remote Registry service enabled on the remote machine.

Again... a pain without a domain, but as long as you know the administrative credentials of the remote system, it can be done.