Remotely initiate windows updates

scriptingwindows 7windows-update

I have a network with countless workstations on it and the windows updates are done through WSUS in push cycles to allow us to use a generic image and configuration and avoid network congestion.

I have a number of workstations in storage that are connected once a month for a few days to recieve updates, however not all of them fall within their push cycle.

I want to avoid going to each machine and clicking "check updates" as that would require me to connect a monitor, mouse and keyboard.

Is there a way (preferably through powershell but im open minded) to initiate a check and install of updates on a remote system? Lets say for 1 system at a time right now, I can add a file reader and a look later.

NOTE: the configuration of the WSUS server is above my pay grade, im simply being asked to ensure these machines are updated.

Thanks for any help or hints

Best Answer

wuauclt /detectnow is the command that you want. It will force the workstation to detect new updates. If they're configured to automatically install updates from GPO, then it will also download and install them as well.

This command can be wrapped in an invoke-command block and run remotely via PowerShell.