Remove access to drive “Properties” in My Computer

group-policywindows 7

I'm attempting to lock down a Windows 7 build but I've noticed that users (In this case, students) can highlight a drive and get to the properties menu. I'd like to disable this if possible.

I normally use the following GPO:

User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows
Explorer\Remove Windows Explorer's default context menu

Which also disables the "Properties" button, but occasionally customers ask for this to be left enabled. So, is there a way to do both?

Drive Properties

Best Answer

Why bother with hiding things? I don't feel like hiding things, typically, accomplishes much of anything useful and usually creates "make work".

Make sure that the NTFS and/or share permissions on the shared folder are such that the student users can't actually make any changes to permissions and let them look at the "Properties" sheets all they want.