Remove Disk from Primordial Storage Pool


I am a little stuck here. Setting up a new server (for storage spaces) one of the disks we wanted to use for other purposes got pulled into the primordial storage pool. Somehow I see no option to remove it. There seems to be no way to change the CanPool attribute on the disk.

It does not show up under get-disk, and under get-physicaldisk it is marked with "CanPool true".

How do I remove it from the primordial pool so I can format as basic disc?

Best Answer

Here are some powershell commands which helped me through this. The command Rikuto shared is part of the solution but I had to shutdown S2D in order for the command to work.

#find out the unique id for your disk (look for the disk you just created by size)
Get-PhysicalDisk | Select-Object -Property FriendlyName, uniqueID, Size

#assign the UID of the desired disk to a variable
$DiskUID = "<unique disk ID>"

#disable S2D so that disk can be freed from pool and set disk to not be claimed by pool
Set-ClusterStorageSpacesDirectDisk -CanBeClaimed:$false -PhysicalDiskIds $DiskUID

#re-enable S2D and wait for your clustered volume to become healthy

I hope this helps.