Removing Exchange 2010 and SBS2011 gracefully after migration to Server 2008 Std R2


We have recently completed a server replacement for a customer. They had SBS2011 using Exchange 2010. They now have Server 2008 Std R2 and Google Apps email. We have migrated the DHCP, DNS, Filserver and all 5 FSMO roles to the new 2008 R2 server (today). During the grace period for SBS2011 we intend to decomission the old server completely.

Previous experience would suggest uninstalling Exchange 2010 then demote SBS2011 then remove from the domain and switch off. Can I simply demote SBS2011 without removing Exchange?

Can't really find any walkthroughs on this.

My concern is that if we simply turn off SBS2011 the AD is left in a mess with legacy Exchange objects making any potential reintroduction of Exchange difficult in future, plus I want to do it the right way!

Best Answer

I'm not sure there is a 'correct' way to do this...

Demoting a DC Exchange Server usually indicates that a new DC running Exchange will be taking over immediately.

You are probably best following through instructions on removing SBS as that will include Exchange. But check after demoting your server that the Exchange Objects also are removed cleanly.

As this is an old question - how did you proceed and what results (+problems) did you experience?

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