Repair .NET 3.5 Framework – Domain Controller


Server manager says that .NET Framework 3.5 is installed. When I try to install an application that needs .NET Framework 3.5 can't be installed because they are saying that it's not available.

Is it possible to repair/reinstall .NET Framework 3.5 on a Domain Controller?

Best Answer

When I try to install an application that needs .NET Framework 3.5 can't be installed because they are saying that it's not available.

Says who? The installer?

In this case you need to contact whoever made it and have them fix their installer. Installers are notoriously one thing people put in not too smart conditions without thinking. It is possible for example they do a version check for 3.5 and you have a slightly newer version due to fixes - and the installer is hardcoded because hey, in their world noone ever release a patch (or in this case service packs).

If the installer is a MSI file you could try hacking it in the precondition secion - otherwise you are out of luck.