Reset Directory Permissions for File Migration


I just built a server 2003 based domain to replace an old, broken server 2000 domain that I "inherited". Now that I'm trying to migrate my users data from the old file server to the new one, I'm running into a severe problem. Let me preface this by saying the main reason we're replacing the old server is due to random permission wipes on users directories. There are files buried inside users documents that have quirky permissions, but of course the users need their data. Furthermore, I've migrated the old file server onto the new domain, thinking it would make it easier to move the files from the 2000 box to the 2003 box.

I have tried several different methods to move the folders, from simple copy/pasting, to running MS FSMT. I've even booted into Knoppix, hoping to scp the files. The issue there was Knoppix wouldn't see the partition.

Now, what I want to know, is there a way I can brute force wipe destroy obliterate etc etc any permissions on a directory, and then assume ownership domain admin.

Thanks for the help!

Best Answer

You can also copy the files with robocopy using the /B option. Make sure that the user running the copy is in the "backup operator" group. This option run the copy as backup so it can ignore permissions.

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