Resolution path for fixing Hyper-V VM migraton from a host in one domain to a host in another domain


I have 2 Hyper-V servers one Windows Server 2008 and one Windows Server 2008 R2. I moved a VM from the 2008 box to the 2008 R2, with the 2008 on domain X and the 2008 R2 on domain y.

When the migration finished I was left with this batch of warning messages

Warning (11010) The Network location
New Network Location (192.168.200.)
associated with the virtual machine
STAGING does not exist on host 2008R2.

Recommended Action Select a different
host and then try operation again.

Warning (1237) The Virtual Network
2008 associated with the virtual
machine STAGING does not exist on host

VMM cannot enable or disable the MAC
addresses spoofing or VM network
optimization settings because the
Virtual Network Adapter associated
with virtual machine STAGING is not
connected to a virtual network.

Recommended Action Connect the virtual
network adapter to a virtual network,
and then try the operation again.

Warning (10696) The host network
adapter does not support the specified
virtual network adapter configuration.

Recommended Action Select a host
network adapter that supports this

The strange thing is I seem to have no actual networking issues in the sense I have no problem accessing the box over RDC directly or via HTTP.

What exactly do these messages want me to fix?

Best Answer

I've seen this before, try deleting the virtual network adapter for that VM, and recreate it.