Restore a versioned S3 bucket to a particular point in time

amazon s3amazon-web-servicesruby-on-rails

Let's say I've got S3 versioning enabled for my bucket:

Then, let's say someone (for example, junior employee) messes up the S3 bucket (deletes some files accidentally, etc.)

How can I then restore the entire versioned bucket to a particular point in time? I believe this should be possible given S3's API, but I'd rather not have to write such a script myself, for fear of missing something (I'm not an AWS expert).

Are there are good solution to this problem? I'm using the S3 bucket as an image store for my Rails app, so something Ruby-based that I could use as a rake task would be ideal.

Best Answer

You can use s3-pit-restore

S3 Point in Time Restore is a tool you can use exactly to restore a bucket or a subset of a bucket to a given point in time, like this:

s3-pit-restore --bucket my-bucket --dest my-restored-bucket --timestamp "06-17-2016 23:59:50 +2"

What s3-pit-restore actually offers:

  • Restore of all files with timestamp less than the given one
  • Restore of a whole bucket or a bucket prefix
  • Parallel download of multiple files with a great overall speed
  • Customization of parallel workers count to optimize bandwidth usage
  • Restore from s3 bucket versions or from glacier if enabled