Restore files that are not in the Bacula database using a Bacula file deamon


I have a backup made with Bacula on tapes. Files are not listed in the Bacula's catalog.

I want to restore files inside the directory, listed one per line in needed.lst (last line empty) onto a remote host remote_host using the file daemon which has been installed on it. In my case, no network file-system has been installed on my director's host.

For the restore onto my director's host, I would simply use something like

bextract -V* -i needed.lst -p Ultrium-1 -v -p /some/retore/dir

How can I get my file to be written on remote_host instead of the host where bextract is executed? I have no need to places those files in the Bacula database which is already a bit huge.

Best Answer

The bextract manual (at least for ver. 5.2, the most popular in distros) does not list any option to specify remote host. So your options are:

  1. mount a share from the remote machine in the director's OS;
  2. create a temporary, empty catalog database and use bscan to recover all metadata and proceed with normal recovery.

From Bacula manual:

The bscan program can be used to re-create a database (catalog) records from the backup information written to one or more Volumes. This is normally needed only if one or more Volumes have been pruned or purged from your catalog so that the records on the Volume are no longer in the catalog, or for Volumes that you have archived.

In any case, it can be helpful if you have bootstrap files created during the backup process, so you won't have to create it by hand.