Restore Solr core on server restart


When our Solr 5.5.4 server restarts, it loses any cores it was running with previously. When I try to re-create/re-add them using the original paths (via the web interface) I am told the core already exists and cannot be added. What am I missing?

Best Answer

Many times people misunderstand how to "restart" solr. If you want to restart your solr instance following the commands:

./bin/solr stop -all
./bin/solr start -p all

then your cores most probably won't be there after the restart, and many times you won't be even able to load them.

If however, you stop your solr this way:

./bin/solr stop -all

and then bring up each node of your cluster this way:

./bin/solr start -cloud -p port -s nodepath

then your cores will be there! For the previous command for example you may issue:

./bin/solr start -cloud -p 8983 -s "example/cloud/node1/solr"