Restrict an intermediate CA to only sign client certificates


I want to use SCEP to give out client certificates, probably using ADCS. We already have an internal offline root CA in place (securely in a safe, only used for signing and revoking intermediate certificate authorities), and this root is trusted by all internal clients and servers.

For signing the client certificates, I want to create an intermediate that can do only that: signing client certificates. Specifically, I don't want it to be possible to sign server certificates with this intermediate (the reason being that the intermediate by necessity has to be on an online system, and I want to limit the possible damage in case it gets breached)

Is this even possible?

Best Answer

If you create the intermediate CA with only the client auth certificate EKU ( then even if a template got altered to allow it to endorse server auth certificates they would fail a chain walk.

On Windows this would report an error with the leaf/EE certificate with status CERT_TRUST_IS_NOT_VALID_FOR_USAGE (or, in .NET, X509ChainStatusFlags.NotValidForUsage).

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