Returning 404 code for unauthorized attempts


I have an admin directory on my web server ( and I don't want unauthorized parties to access this /admin/ directory instead I want to return 404 error code for all unauthorized accesses.

My question is, is there any way to return 404 error code for all access attempts except a few specific IP addresses?

My web server is Apache on Linux (plesk).

Best Answer

Well, close:

<Location /admin>
     Order deny,allow
     Allow from
     Allow from
     Deny from all

Though what this actually does is return a 403 Forbidden, not a 404 Not Found, which is, y'know, correct.

If you're putting this in a .htaccess in the admin directory, you don't need the Location container. The example is written for a server or virtual host configuration file.

See also mod_access docs.

For what it's worth, as time has worn on I've increasingly come to find value in putting the site admin on an entirely separate virtual host.