Reverse DNS and Godaddy email server, What should it point to


We are assigned 3 static IP addresses by our ISP and lately we have been having problems delivering our mail. We checked with Cloudmark and they suggested contacting our ISP to add a reverse DNS entry for our IP addresses. Now we use Godaddy as our email server and web host and our assigned IPs are not linked to any concrete domain names.

What should the reverse DNS for our IP addresses point to? Should it point to an imaginary host name (ex., or should it point to the SMTP server of Godaddy ( or the MX record of Godaddy (

Will there be a problem with the three IP addresses pointing to the same domain name?

(P.S: I am actually a programmer with very little experience in server administration so I would appreciate a not-too-complex answer 🙂 )

Best Answer

If no email is sent using your ISP assigned IP addresses, you don't really have to provide them with a PTR record. As I understood, you are using Godaddy to send your email so their configuration should be OK.

You must however setup an SPF record in your DNS zone stating that the servers from Godaddy are allowed to send emails using your domain name.