Reverse DNS – Fixing Mismatch with SMTP Banner


We are using postfix on centos as a mail server to send out newsletters. but in the mail log file I can see that many receivers rejected our newsletters. and with the help of mxtoolbox, I found a warning message for our mail server – "reverse DNS does not match SMTP banner".

my hostname is that has both outgoing / incoming ip to 109.XX.XX.93,
when I use reverse DNS lookup tool, the ip adress 109.XX.XX.93 resolved to Should I actually expect this to be, if it has to be correct? and I guess this is the case that mxtoolbox give "reverse DNS does not match SMTP banner" message?

If I telnet 109.XX.XX.93 25, i got 220 ESMTP Postfix.

Best Answer

Yes, both name-to-ip and ip-to-name mapping must match exactly, that is:

109.XX.XX.93 must resolve to and must resolve to 109.XX.XX.93 exactly.

Then additionally, the SMTP banner presented must match the same hostname.

If your IP address reverse lookup does not match, you should contact your hosting provider for instructions on how to fix it, as it is the IP block owner that controls reverse DNS records.