Reverse DNS / PTR with Fasthosts shared hosting enviroment


I'm not that clued up on all aspects of DNS so apologies if this is a stupid question of sorts. Basically I have a VPS with one provider(Xeneurope) and the domain names with another(Fasthosts). Not ideal but its what I inherited.

Anyway for the most part this hasn't been an issue, but I'm wanting to send out HTML emails to our customers. But when I started sending test emails, a lot of email providers just wouldn't accept them. AOL & Yahoo being 2 that spring to mind.

After a bit of research it seems like I need to have have reverse DNS setup for the VPS IP address before certain providers will accept emails from it.

However I'm not sure how to set this up with Fasthosts, as they say its only supported with a dedicated server from them, at present its only the domain names that I have with them. Is there anyway I can work around this with a bit of DNS jiggery pokery, since they don't allow me to add any PTR records?

Best Answer

if I understand you correctly you are sending these mails from Xeneurope, so fasthosts is not involved in setting the PTR. the rDNS of your xeneurope server should match its hostname (a record) and smtp helo.


the sender domains used in those mails do not have to match that hostname, its perfectly valid to have helo/a-record/rDNS and send mails using sender domain hosted on a different server (assuming you don't have any other technologies like SPF set up which define what mailservers may send mail for that domain)

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