Reverse Proxy To Cloudfront CDN

amazon s3amazon-cloudfrontapache-2.4reverse-proxy

We want to forward all requests to to a S3 Bucket fronted by Cloudfront. The idea being that our domain is used while the content is loaded from S3/Cloudfront. I have Apache setup to reverse proxy requests to /foo thusly:

<Location /foo>
    RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"

    ProxyPassReverseCookiePath / /foo


However when I hit I get a 403 Forbidden from Cloudfront.

I tried adding the header RequestHeader set Host "", the page loads and I see the content in the s3 bucket, but then the domain is obviously the CDN domain.


I swapped out the cloudfront URL in the Apache config for the s3 bucket's public URL and it worked, while preserving the hostname. So I believe this confirms its an issue with Cloudfront.

I added our domain name as a CNAME on CloudFront. Then set the RequestHeader set Host to our domain name with the /foo. This preserves the host name but causes a 400 error from CloudFront.

Best Answer

Cloudfront needs to be aware of all Host headers it is going to receive. You can add as a CNAME entry in Cloudfront. This does not cause traffic to come to cloudfront, but it does identify that host header as related to your specific config.