Rewrite subfolder to subdomain with Apache htaccess


Here's the situation:

I recently re-structured my website at I still have the old legacy website at (hosted on the same server). Is it possible to use an Apache htaccess rewrite rule to make my legacy content appear available under a subdirectory on my new site?

In other words:
I want to be able to go to and see the content which is actually located at

Have been searching around without much success. I thought something like the following might do the trick, but maybe I'm way off?

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
RewriteRule ^/legacy/?$ [R=301,L]

Best Answer

It turns out that the way to achieve what I was after is to set up a reverse proxy using Apache's mod_proxy... which is actually pretty easy to do. There's a good tutorial on this at

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