RHEL/CentOS 7 run named-chroot on systemctl named invocation


How can I make systemd treat calls to systemctl xx named as calls to systemctl xx named-chroot?

Under RHEL/CentOS 6 installing the bind-chroot package would set up a chroot'ed environment for BIND, but the control script would remain the same. i.e. a service named start would control the BIND process regardless if it were chroot'ed or not.

I'm migrating DNS servers to RHEL7, where named and named-chroot are now independent services. This can cause trouble for some operators who are not aware of the distinction and may think that BIND is down if they run systemctl status named instead of systemctl status named-chroot.

Is there a way to link the named control script to named-chroot under systemd so as to avoid the risk of confusion?

Best Answer

What about creating a symbolic link named named-chroot.service in the /etc/systemd/system directory linking to named.service file?