Right Clicking Network File Very Slow Over VPN


I am having real troubles with a VPN connection. The VPN connection is not used for a internet connection just for file browsing.

File browsing is slow, taking about 3-4 seconds to bring up a list of folders. I can live with this, however the problem is when I right click on a file. Sometimes the right click menu comes up instantly but sometimes it brings up the wait icon for anywhere between 30 seconds to a few minutes before displaying the menu.

I ran speedtest.net and the results were: 3.08 Down/0.13 Up (Mbps)

0.13Mbps = 16kbps upload. So I am not experiencing miracles with opening files. A 120kb file can take anywhere from 5 to 30 seconds. Sometimes transfering/opening files happens as expected other times its slow but the real issue is with the right click as mentioned.

Anyone have any ideas?

Using PPTP

Clients are all windows 7 pro

Best Answer

Have you any apps installed which have added context menu items to Explorer? WinZip, 7-Zip and others will do this. Try disabling any additional context menus and see if that resolves the issue.