Robocopy Overwite IDENTICAL files but Rename Similar Files



1: We need to copy files from one folder into another folder – Folder A -> Folder B (while preserving subfolder structure)

2: Some of the files in Folder A are IDENTICAL to files in Folder B

2a: IDENTICAL: Files that are identical in name, size, date created, date modified.

3: Some of the files in Folder A are SIMILAR

3a: SIMILAR: Files which have identical names but are not identical in size, or date

4: The goal is to move files from Folder A into Folder B.

o We want to:


COPY But Keep Both Files (rename): DUPLICATE files, according to a naming standard (filename_01).

• Preserve folder structure so files in A subfolders are copied into same B subfolders. (ie. Folder A\subfolder1\filesname.exe is copied to B\subfolder1\filename.exe)

The current plan is to use Robocopy (with GUI), can this be done? What switches should I look at using?
If this cannot be done with Robocopy is there another software I should look at?

Best Answer

Nothing beats a readthrough of the Robocopy documentation.

To cover all your objectives using Robocopy I am fairly certain you would need to stage the files in some way first. Such as identifying files which should not be overwritten and being creative in either setting/unsetting some attribute, or appending/prepending a string to the filename, either of which robocopy could identify and act upon. And so on. So multiple passes would be a consequence of choosing Robocopy I believe.

By the sound of your description, are you sure you are not really looking for a backup tool (such as rdiff-backup just to name one possibility) or a custom scripted solution instead of a plain file copy tool?

The question that lingers is why you have a requirement to overwrite identical files where you could simply do a full copy, then incrementally copy changes whilst preserving history (in the manner most desirable for you)?