CentOS 7 – Fixing Internal Server Error After Roundcube 1.5.0 Upgrade


My server updated automatically to this new release of Roundcube 1.5, since then, Roundcube don't show any Inbox mail with the message "Internal Server Error".

I tried and searched for possible solutions, but found nothing to solve.

Is a Centos 7 with PHP 7.4 and Mysql server.

Can you suggest an action plan?

Best Answer

In case using Control-WebPanel [CWP], just run these tow commands in ssh:


In case you install Roundcube manually, this problem will happen if you upgrade to Roundcube 1.5 version and PHP intl extension not installed and activated, so:

  1. Check the PHP version which your Roundcube run on it, to know it edit index.php which located in Roundcube path, and add this line on header of file:

echo phpinfo();

Then save file, and open url of Roundcube in browser, you will see all information about version of PHP which used by Roundcube Including php.ini path, (do not forget delete line after that).

2- Enable PHP intl Extension, the exact steps for that depends on your PHP version, many questions on Stackoverflow explain how to do that, like: how can I enable PHP Extension intl?