Roundcube restricts attachment below declared limit


I have mail server with spec:

  • Centos 7
  • Roundcube 1.3.5
  • MTA Postfix 2.10.1

I have limited the attachment upload size to 5M in:

  • /etc/php.ini => post_max_size = 10M , upload_max_filesize = 5M
  • Roundcube => config.php : $config['max_message_size'] = 5M
  • postfix => : message_size_limit= 5242880

As far as i Know, this configuration should allow attachment of 5Mb file, but i am even unable to attach below 5Mb file size.
Any help please

EDIT: I am able to send email with attachment of 4 mb size. And if i increase the roundcube configuration to 6 MB, then i am able to attach and send email of 5Mb file size. I think postfix and php.ini configuration are okay.

Best Answer

try to change php.ini => upload_max_filesize = as you want