Route emails directly from Exchange to SharePoint


We're trying to use the Microsoft-supplied Help Desk template for our SharePoint help desk site (running on WSS 3.0) and are having problems trying to create tickets from emails. When working correctly, the site should accept an email and then create a list item (service ticket) from that email. To set this up in SharePoint, we can specify an email address such as (we can't change the part).

The problem is: when someone sends an email to this address, our Exchange server realizes that it isn't a valid Exchange account, so it sends it to our Barracuda box. The Barracuda box sends it to SharePoint, but it appends "btv1==2372983023…" to the beginning of the address (which I understand is used to prevent backscatter). SharePoint receives this email and sees that there is no such user (because SharePoint checks the user's email address against Active Directory).

If we could get the email to SharePoint without the "btv1…" part, it would work fine. Can someone tell me how we should route from Exchange to SharePoint directly, so that the Barracuda box doesn't get in the way? After reading a suggested solution online, we tried creating an SMTP connector in Exchange, pointing emails to the IP of our SharePoint server. We then assigned this new connector a higher cost value than the "out to the Internet" SMTP connector. That didn't work though. Any ideas?


Best Answer

Create a contact. Set the email address to

I know it sounds weird, but this is just how it works.