Networking – How to Access a Printer from Another Subnet


I have a network composed of 2 subnets with this topology :

Router1 (Freebox) : 192.168.0.XX  Masq :  
|----- PC1  
|----- PC2  
|----- Printer1  
|----- Router2 (wrt610N with dd-wrt configured in gateway mode) : 192.168.1.XX  Masq :  
        |---- PC3  
        |---- PC4  

Router1 is set in DHCP and takes its DNS from the internet provider. It also provides DHCP server, with static IP assignation for Printer1 and Router2 defined in Router1.
Router2 is set in DHCP and takes its DNS from Router1 and provides DHCP server for PC3 and PC4.

The purpose is to have a router2 subnetwork be a secured network and invisible from the main network where untrusted PC will be connected.

I can print from PC1 and PC2 with thw IP or hostname of the printer. From PC3 and PC4 I can only reach the printer through its IP, I cannot resolve the name Printer1.
From my understanding it is related to ARP tables (I'm not an expert at all in networking). Since Printer1 hostname is not registered in any DNS, its hostname is only resolve at layer 2. When I ping Printet1 hostname from PC3, I assumed that :
1- Printer2 not in PC3 arp table so it sends the resquest to router2
2- router2 have an interface in subnetwork1 so it should have an entry for Printer1 in it's ARP table. Where am I wrong ?

Thanks for your help.

Best Answer

It 's a problem of broadcasting domains, you need to create an entry for the printer in your hosts config file for the PC3/4 to resolve the printer adress. (or setup your own DNS server or ARP proxy which seems like overkill imho)

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