Router – Could someone explain why traceroute seems to be skipping a router on the network


This is probably a very basic question, but I'm hopping someone can explain what's going on to me.

I configured our wireless router at work to connect to directly to the router that provides our internet connection. I set the wireless router up with a static ip address and set the gateway to be the router it is connected to.

All of the wireless computer's set their dns and gateway to the wireless routers IP and everything is working.

Just for fun I ran traceroute on one of the wirelessly connected computers.

I expected the results to be

  1. Wireless Router
  2. Wired Router
  3. everything else …

instead it seems to skip the wireless router entirely and looks like

  1. Wired Router
  2. Everything else …


Best Answer

My best guess is your Wireless router isn't actually routing but bridging so it wouldn't show up on a traceroute.

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